Preparation Of P-Nitroiodobenzene Discussion

Preparation Of P-Nitroiodobenzene Discussion

Preparation of p-Iodonitrobenzene In this experiment we will prepare p-iodonitrobenzene using a diazotization reaction similar to the one we just used in the methyl orange experiment but in this case we will add iodide as our nucleophile. This will replace the N2 + substituent with evolution of nitrogen gas.

Preparation OF Adipic ACID FROM Cyclohexene Chem 334 – the synthesis of ethyl m nitrobenzoate LAB 334 – NITRATION OF AROMATIC COMPOUNDS: PREPARATION OF METHYL-m-NITROBENZOATE LAB REPORT Exp 1 – Grade: B+ CHE 334 EXP 3 laboratory Drive 4 – multiple choice questions. Preparation OF P- Iodonitrobenzene. Course: Organic Chemistry Lab II (CHE334) 0. 1.

Discussion p -Iodoaniline has been prepared by the reduction of p -nitroiodobenzene 1 by the hydrolysis of p -iodoacetanilide formed by the action of iodine monochloride on acetanilide 2 and by the direct iodination of aniline . 3 The method described here is an adaptation of the procedure used by Wheeler, 4 and by Hann and Berliner 5 for the iodination of the toluidines.

Preparation of p-Iodonitrobenzene In this experiment we will prepare p-iodonitrobenzene using a diazotization reaction similar to the one we just used in the methyl orange experiment but in this case we will add iodide as our nucleophile. This will replace the N2+ substituent with evolution of nitrogen gas.

For the preparation of p-nitroiodobenzene from p-nitroaniline, the best method is [Orissa JEE 2005] A) [NaN { {O}_ {2}}/HCl] followed by [KI]. B) [NaN { {O}_ {2}}/HCl] followed by [CuCN] C) [LiAl { {H}_ {4}}] followed by [ { {I}_ {2}}] D), p-Iodoaniline has been prepared by the reduction of p- nitroiodobenzene 1 b y the hydrolysis of p- DOI:10.15227/orgsyn.011.0062 iodoacetanilide formed by the action of iodine monochloride on acetanilide 2 and by the direct, 15. For the preparation of p- nitroiodobenzene from p-nitroaniline, the best method is a) NANO 2 HCL followed by KI b) LiAlH 4 followed by I 2 c) NaNO 2 HCL followed by CuCN d) NaBH 4 followed by I 2, Preparation of parabromoaniline from acetanilide. 2. Preparation of n-butyl bromide from n-butanol. 3. Preparation of p- nitroiodobenzene from paranitroaniline. 4. Preparation of aniline from nitrobenzene. 5. Preparation of ß-D-Glucose penta acetate. 6. Preparation of phenoxy acetic acid.

Preparation of m-nitrobewnzoic acid from methyl benzoate. [64 HOURS] CHO SCP2:1.7 ORGANIC PRACTICALS – IB. 1. Preparation of p-nitro aniline from acetanilide. 2. preparation of Glucosazone. 3. Preparation of cis and trans cinnamic acid. 4. Preparation of paraamino azobenzene. 5. Preparation of Benzoic acid (cannizaro’s reaction). 6.
